• KM Institute LLC Mission

    KM Institute, LLC is dedicated to providing diverse services and resources to individuals and the community in order to support the specific needs of all consumers, and to provide a safe environment in which healthy changes can be fostered and sustained. Founded by Dr. Kristy Camille-McKiness, 2014.

    Our Services

    Anger and Mental Health Evaluations

    Court ordered and non-court ordered anger evaluations are available for adults as well as children ages 9 and above. Click the link below to find out more.

    Mental Health Services, Professional Trainings, and Psychiatry Services

    KM Institute LLC clinicians specialize in treating a variety of mental health and substance abuse disorders. Click the link below to find out more.

    We Are Now Offering Neurofeedback and Biofeedback!


    Regions of the brain can be either over or underactive, which contributes to symptoms. Neurofeedback trains these brain areas by providing feedback through videos…


    Biofeedback measures changes in your heart rate to discover a personalized breathing pace, which helps you get your heart and lungs working together…

    We are now accepting both Telehealth and Medicare!

    We’ve added Telehealth and Medicare to our payment options. KM Institute LLC recognizes the importance of rendering prompt and individual service delivery for each client’s unique financial and insurance needs.


    I have read and agree to the terms & conditions.

    National suicide prevention hotline